Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Level Two

It was my first day back to college today. We stayed from 8:00am to 6:00pm at the College, with one hour lunch and two breaks of 15 minutes each. It was just the first day...oh yeah!!! This semester will be something!

I am so, so, soooooo tired, that I am writing my post in English and it is not making any sense at all to me. It is kind of hard to explain, but I just feel like I am writing everything with no linguist sense at all. I guess that is what happens when the brain is too tired and the person tries to think in his/her second language. I still wanted to write in English, so I can come back later and read it again because my impression of my writing is so bizarre. I guess my brain is really overwhelmed because I got almost no sleep last night and then stayed all day being lectured. Also, I was having some cramps, so I took a pill few minutes earlier...maybe all that made me a little (?) drunk...drunk of exaustion. I am curious to come back later and read what I am writing...hahaha!
I guess it is time to take a warm shower and go to bed because I have to be up tomorrow morning to go to the college again.
After all, it was nice to see the people again. The sad thing was that just a little more than 50 of us made it through, from 73 of us. I hope we all make it from now is sad to see people failing in the middle of the program.
Oh shower is realling calling me now. Like a battery in the cell phone that is going off, my brain knows that I have a short time before it shuts down!


Anonymous said...

Hahahahaha, Fer, doidinha. Eu adorei o post, bem fora do comum mesmo, voce tem senso de humor. Olha, voce escreve bem em ingles viu. Tem mais vocabulario do que eu. Eu sou uma pata p lembrar certas palavras, e quando lembro nao consigo coloca-las nos contexto. Aih vira uma bagunca, repito varias coisas, e acabo explicando em roedeios... mas eh otimo poder "treinar" aqui no blog.

Eu farei uma aula de Writing este semestre, confesso que to morrendo de medo, agoniada. Preciso de outro A, mas writing eh complicado p mim. Eu ateh gosto de escrever, mas quando vem a inspiracao instantanea e nao quando sou "obrigada", quando tenho que fazer sabe? Aih penso, penso, tento, tento e nao sai nada.

Soh quero ver a bagunca que vai ser.

Boa sorte neste Level Two!
Nao se preocupa que dedicade e inteligente como voce eh, vai passar sem problemas.

Beijos no Coracao!

Fernanda said...

Nani, sabia que eu tenho a mesma impressao quando leio seus postes? A impressao que vc tem um vocabulario muito mais extenso que o meu. E sabe do que mais? Vc vai tirar outro A nessa aula, tenho certeza! Eu te entendo, adoro escrever, mas nao forcadamente e seguindo APA style afff....ainda bem que eu to livre de English classes tive English II, tive q escrever um research paper de 10 paginas (fora capa e referencia). Foi um trabalho de parto praticamente kkkkk.

Anonymous said...

Eu acho que vcs 2 tem um vocabulario super extenso, de dar inveja! :)

Lucia said...

Nanda, espero que tenha conseguido descansar bastante. Sei bem como e', tem dias que simplesmente nao consigo pensar e nao sai nada.

Eu ja estou ficando meio saturada com aulas... faltam so umas 4 pra mim, e nao vejo a hora de terminarem! bjos