Last week, Mrs. Syke from Students Service Suport asked me if I'd like to be a tutor, and I said yes! It's paid hourly and I think that may be a good experience and a plus in my resume.
I started last Thursday. I'm tutoring Psychology, Sociology and Intro to Anatomy. I haven't met my tutee in Anatomy yet, but my tutee in Psy and Soc is very nice. I really hope I can help her. She will have a test tomorrow, so we reviewed all the subject today. I am here wishing so much that She does okay!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
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Wow! hehehe!! Congratulations tutor girl! :)
Oq q vcs estão aprendendo em Psicologia?
Eu tive General Psychology, ha um ano atras. Precisei de apenas um semestre de psicologia...estudamos algumas teorias, como as de Piaget, Erickson, Freud; estudamos sobre doencas emocionais, alguns conceitos basicos. Aqui a gente pode ser tutor soh depois de completar a classe, pois eles exigem um minimo da media final. Acho ateh que minha media foi 98 ...era facil (so o basico) e eu adorava! Beijos!
Bem legal, e melhor ainda que ganhara um dinheirinho extra. bjos
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